Arapaho UMC & LGBTQ+

Four Messages to our LGBTQ+ Siblings

Thanks for stopping here to find out more about who we are. We want to share a few notes and resources with you to help you learn more about us...

Here are Four Messages or Beliefs
we want to share with you!

1: We are sorry if you have received messages from a church that have made you feel or believe that you are anything less than fully loved and fully accepted. 

You are loved. You are accepted. 

2: We affirm and celebrate that you are a child of God, created in the image of God. 

You being you gives God praise!  You are a light, a blessing, a gift to the world just as you are. If you worship with us, you won't be treated any differently than anyone else. 

3: We do not / will not ever interpret, teach or preach the Bible in ways that harm you.

We actively teach and promote different interpretations of the 'clobber passages.' Matthew Vines does an excellent job working through these passages in God and the Gay Christian

4: We will continue to work to be agents of reconciliation, supporting efforts to eliminate discrimination and disenfranchisement of LGBTQ+ persons in the church and world.

There is work to be done to promote equality for all; this work requires thoughtfulness and intentionality in order to be truly transformative for us and our world.

These statements are excerpts from Pastor Blair's Blog for Pride month.  Click Here to read Pastor Blair's full blog 

Listen To A Sermon/Podcast Regarding LGBTQ+ Positions

Watch An AUMC Story…

Arapaho United Methodist Church is a fully affirming, gay-friendly church.

We worship, share community with, and celebrate siblings from the full LGBTQIA family.

On September 29, 2019 Arapaho United Methodist Church voted to open its altar to everyone and welcome all marriages.

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One of our largest Sunday classes, Seekers Class, is one of several small groups within the inclusive Arapaho UMC community that believes all people are made in God’s image and are recipients of God’s love and grace, regardless of age, race, gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation. 

Below are some reasons we took the additional step of identifying as a Reconciling Ministries Community (RMN):

1. Make it easier for people looking for a LGBTQ+ friendly community to find us

2. Stand with RMN in support of a progressive understanding of our theology.

3. Learn how to become better advocates for those excluded from full participation and ministry within the United Methodist Church due to sexual orientation or gender identity.

4. Raise our understanding of the concerns, decisions, and impact of changes proposed to General Conference intended to deal with our denominational disagreements over human sexuality. 

Find Out More About The Seekers

 Relevant links: