A 5C Church

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Arapaho United Methodist Church is a creative, constructive, Christian community committed to becoming more like Christ.
We envision a Christian community of transformed people who embody God’s love
and work together in the Spirit to transform the world.

Creative: We pay attention to the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives, the life of our community, and the world and we respond by partnering with God in the work to make all things new. We make space for trying new things: new ideas, new ministries, new expressions of faith.

Constructive: We ask questions, question assumptions, and engage in conversation and contemplation to construct a faith that aligns with our experiences of God’s presence in the world. God’s grace makes it possible for us to grow and change; we are always open to learning and becoming deeper disciples.

Christian: We believe in Jesus Christ, put our whole trust in his grace, and by his grace we are actively seeking to become more like him: more loving, more compassionate, more generous.

Community: We open the door wide and have an open communion table for all to come and experience God’s grace. Through our authentic relationships, we are learning to love one another, celebrate our differences, and embrace one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Committed: We commit to becoming more like Christ and hold ourselves accountable to daily practices of faith.